Originally Posted by Clem

Use of "required" will make some question if the paper "harvest" record is eliminated and probably increase the "Eh, screw this" factor. Just that one word could be seen as a kind of intimidation and not helpful for an already troubled situation.

This season IMO will be yet another clusterphuck with the app. You'll have hunters who still don't know about any "requirement" to check, older hunters who don't know how to do apps on their phone (and would hunt illegally or quit hunting), and people who won't know that the Pocket Ranger App isn't valid anymore and a new one is being used.

The new app is a hell of a lot easier to navigate and use than the Pocket Ranger app, though.

The "not knowing a new app is required" is what I see as a major obstacle. How many people will try the old way and when it doesn't work says screw it. For the ones who use the app thingy (,I dont) is this something you have to show the GW when asked for harvest record? If so, reckon how they will handle hunters showing the old app? In year 3, if the numbers come in below 100,000 again, whoa Nelly!