My oldest son used to manage a Taco Bell. I never eat there.

Every. Single. Thing. They serve comes in a prepackaged plastic bag and they basically either heat it up or re-hydrate it and then heat it up.

They have no choice, because everyone that is ever hired there is basically the lowest common denominator of employee and has the highest level of "I don't give a $h!t" of anyone you have ever met in your life. This goes for pretty much any fast food chain with the possible exception of Fill A Chic.

I eat a Taco Hell when I am starving and there is no other "restaurant" within 100 miles with the possible exception of Burger King which actually may be worse than Taco Hell.

My guilty pleasure is crispy Tater Tots cooked in my own toaster oven.

Last edited by Irishguy; 07/17/18 07:16 PM.