Originally Posted by CNC
Originally Posted by hauntedbywaters
I would really like to try this on our lease this season, but not sure the best way to start. We currently pay a local $35/hr to plant for us. I would really like to save the $1200ish we spend with him. But we have a few holdups that will make it tough;

1. Lack of time and proper planting equipment. We all live two hours away, but could possibly borrow a tractor for a weekend or two.
2. Maybe half our fields have enough current growth to have a good thatch layer. What to do on the others?
3. The biggest issue, seven other guys that for the most part think this is crazy.

We have roughly 12 acres of plots on an 1800 acre lease. Any tips on how to convince others to give this a shot and get started would be greatly appreciated.

Just like you said, that last part of your equation is gonna be the hardest to overcome. We can get your plots to cooperate but I can’t promise anything with the humans. You may have to pick your best plot and do a test run to show them it will work first.

Those plots that don't have enough thatch are gonna need some pampering along first before they'll work as well as you want them to. You'll have to start hitting them with periodic doses of fert (mainly N) in the spring and summer until you get over that biomass hurdle. A lot of the reason you're probably not producing much biomass right now is because your soil is unproductive. That takes a little time to turn around. That's one of the toughest part with convincing others. If it doesn't work immediately then they're gonna be quick to say "I told you so"

I like the idea of picking a couple that have good growth already and trying it out on them. Assuming it works on those, I think enough people might get on board.

Our "soil" is pretty horrible. We only have a few fields that get decent growth with what we are doing now.