Mr. Brad, in all seriousness if your looking to buy a tractor, you can't go wrong with an older green or blue. You can buy these models from lots of places- by older I mean 2000 or even 80's models. These machines can take thousands of hours providing they've had reasonable care & you ain't likely to ever wear one out by the use you describe-as long as you by smart.There is some Ford models that end in 10 ( 3910, 6610 for example) that you may want to avoid. These models are good running tracs, but they have a serious power steering issue that is really hard to fix. They pour ps fluid from both the reservoir on the side of the engine as well as under the steering wheel.We've put seals in em to no avail. I personally don't know of one that doesn't leak once they get a few hours on em. That 2240 you have, even though you say has had it, those models are gems. I would spend 15 grand for another good used 2240 before I'd spend a dollar towards a new model of any brand. Way too many reasons to mention for the hats off to the older tracs. They be easy to work on as well for the most part. I can tell you for sure that outback has put many an hour on a 2240 that was owned by a close friend , and am sure he'd tell you they don't make em like those anymore. Just my case nickels worth.