Originally Posted by 257wbymag
Different surfactants call for different rates. A non ionic typically calls for 1qt per 100 gals water. Most crop oils or MSO will be 1 gal per 100 gal water. I'd errr on side of using non ionic. It's softer than oils etc but still gives required sticking to waxy surfaces

Thanks, it sounds like I am on the high side with a pint to 25 gallons? I buy whatever the co-op in Selma has in the way of a non-ionic. It used to be that it said 80-20 on the label, but the last jug said 90-10. There was a time when I knew what those numbers meant, but I have forgotten and I think will just let it stay that way. The last thing I ever wanna have again is a job, so better to be ignorant. smile

But what I was wondering is would there be any advantage to adding crop oil AND non-ionic surfactant to the same tank? I understand that they work a little differently, so would it make my herbicides more effective to use both together?

I remember that Dr. Youngblood used crop oil with one chufa herbicide, but I've forgotten which one. He sprayed them separately, and I ain't doing that. Whatever I use is going into one tank

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.