Originally Posted by jlbuc10
We were at the 120 mile bouy(Jurassic Park) due east of Cape Canaveral, FL early one morning just as the sun was cracking the horizon. It was very foggy and we were prepping to start fishing when we notice a boat hauling butt right at us from due east. Only thing due East of here is Africa. We all kinda subconsciously thought pirates, and immediately pull in the lines and get ready to haul butt. All gray and black boat with some kind of blacked out wind shield, with quad 300’s never checks up and begins circling us. After about the second pass we can read the emblem on the side of the boat and it’s US Customs and Border Patrol boat. They made a couple more passes and I guess decided we we’re no trouble and headed on back east. We regained our composure and pulled one small wahoo off the bouy, but we didn’t stay long.

I saw that boat last weekend at Harbortown Marina. The brand of boat has been removed. It's bad ass, so long he had to back out of the marina. Those guys were armed to the teeth. I've been stuck like the OP, but just 3 of us 14 year olds for two days. It was so rough we had a live fish swimming in the boat when the coast guard finally got us. I've seen tons of stuff, the coolest was a submarine. Once saw something show up on the 72 mile radar that took up half the screen. Kinda spooked us pretty bad. About 2 hours later we could see it and it was an AirCraft Carrier. Been surrounded by waterspouts when we were too stubburn to leave a good bight. Been in a boat hit by lighting---twice. Been on a boat that landed a 888 lb blue and had 4 80w spooled simultaneously - it was either another sub or 4 big bluefins. And the best was wrapped kilo. smile

not sure what the best way to handle them is but they shouldnt be on tv and gettn married and raisin kids