Toothdoc I did not make it down that far yesterday. Big rain cloud stopped me short at Broughton Springs. Went back up river before I got soaked. I caught several fish but they were all small. But, I had fun at one stop though. Found a bunch of 1/2 to 1 lb stripe schooling off a point. Man, they were putting on a show. I bet I caught 20 within about 15-20 min. The size of shad they were running was about 1.5" long. Never got any bass to bite down below them though.

Ya know, it amazes me the number of dumb arses that own a boat. I was fishing on the edge of the river toward Minnesota Bend and here comes a fish/ski boat doing the normal "S" driving pulling a tube. Big kids on the tube too. Well, this intelligent individual decides to cut across the shallow flat at the old ferry and turn right headed toward the slough. I thought to myself, just stop fishing and get a beer, this is gonna be interesting. He made the turn and "wham" I thought the rear of the boat was gonna pass the front in the air he hit the roadbed so hard. I just sat there and watched for the next 10 minutes them getting out of the boat ad finally getting the boat pushed off the road bed. They came back out to the river edge, cranked up, and went on their merry way back into shallow water headed down river. It amazes me the level of education some people driving a boat have about where they are running. slap