Originally Posted by Smells
Originally Posted by Goatkiller

Human Presence has nothing to do with it. They will get accustomed to people. Like farmers and loggers, etc. Pay them no attention and rarely do anything but just get alert when they smell a human.

What they don't get use to?

Being shot at.

If you deer are skiddish someone is shooting at them. Based on the current free-for-all system good luck trying to curtail anything related to that.

I'm not too sure about this. I use to hunt on 40 acres belonging to my friend. Less than a mile away people would sometimes target shoot. I'd get all wound up about that when they started because after all, didn't they know I was deer hunting? One afternoon I was sitting on a power line cut watching 4 does on the next property 500 yds away when the shooting started. They never even looked up or took notice in any way, continued browsing for another 20 minutes, and didn't leave until finally a helicopter flew almost directly overhead. Even then they didn't run in terror, they just eased off into the woods.

Later that same year, which I think was the first year I hunted, my son and I were crammed into a one man shooting house one afternoon. A spike and a buttonhead walked out of some short pines into a little small green field. We both thought the buttonhead was a doe and he shot him at about 80 yds. He spined him so he just fell right there. The spike never even raised his head at the shot, kept browsing, and about 5 minutes later finally walked over to see why his buddy was lying on the ground, sniffed around and kept on browsing. Not 15 minutes later 3 does appeared from a bend in the road about 150 yds away, walked down the road and entered the green field. They alerted on the down deer right away but didn't run or do anything besides look at him until I put a hole through one.

they werent being shot at being shot at and hearing gunshots is 2 different things and they sound completely different hearing the bullet clap over your head before you hear the muzzle blast is a life changing event hearing someone shoot at a gun range 500 yards away is nothing the deer know I used to get agravated hunting our little 600 acres because a neighbor used to shoot like he was reinacting the Iraq war but the deer just went about their business