You can talk about revolt, taking the fight to the streets, whatever, it just ain’t going to happen. The problem is the big time democratic money being thrown to these liberal candidates. Michael Blumburg alone threw 50 million dollars into the midterms, George Soros threw 15 million, it is staggering the money the libs are pumping to defeat Trump and his addenda. In Georgia, that crazy ass dem women recieved over 100 million in campaign money, the vast majority came from outside Georgia. Its insane Soros, Blumburg, Opra Winfrey can pump millions to a candidate that doesnt represent them. If you look at that race, 75% of her votes came from the Atlanta metro area, virtually the rest of the state overwhelming voted Repub. Until these super pacs are slowed, it will only get worse. Dont ever underestimate what money in a political race can do. Enough money can make the ugliest ducking look like a movie star.

Lone Watie: I'm glad you stopped me when you did. I might have killed her