Originally Posted by James
Originally Posted by leroycnbucks
Originally Posted by alhawk
I'm feeling a big ole awwwwwweee coming from one of y'all real soon.
If y'all don't start playing nice, Leroy is going to put you both in couples therapy (James and Perch are graduates and now teach the class).

James and Perch is the greatest success story of the Aldeer couples weekend getaway. They left out headed to San Francisco Memorial Day weekend and haven’t been seen since.

That's untrue. Perch ran off with some dude named Hevishot, I hear they're moving to Colorado to smoke pot and start a gerbil farm
You sonofabitch! Larry said that was his and your dream, I don’t have a dog in that race. But quiting telling people you want a gerbil farm, your probably gonna need a guinea pig farm by now.