Originally Posted by bigt
Originally Posted by 2Dogs
Originally Posted by bigt
I just got back from a state where tagging is mandatory and guess what I didn’t hear anyone complaining. They also make the deer processors write down each tag number as they were brought in and guess what no complaints and it evidently didn’t hurt business because after three days of gun season the processor was completely full and couldn’t accept anymore deer. Sometimes it just seems that the average Alabama hunter just enjoys rebelling against the system.....

States "up North" have fees , licenses , permits , tags for everything! They are over governed at every turn, they are used to it and accept it.

My former boss lived in Indiana a while. He didn't live in a town or city, had to get a permit from the county to make simple repairs to the exterior of his garage . He was from Michigan said they were bad but Indiana was worse and he got outa there quick as possible. He loved living in Jackson County Alabama.

I never wanta be like "up North".

Ha I would take the Hunting in the State I am talking about any day of the week over here with tags, permits and all which really is not much at all.....don’t knock it until you try it. I have yet to meet an Alabama hunter that said dang I wish I hadn’t come up here hunting lol

I have tried it. I've only seen one deer outside Alabama bigger than what I've killed here. I spend my out of state $ hunting Elk and such.

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.