So,is compliance still very low??? As some have read in a different thread, there has been a conversation on restocking deer. I have quoting from a DCNR book published in 1965. Here is a quote about restocking but may apply to any laws.
"Laws without public support are practically useless and in spite of seasons and bag limits, the deer population continued to decline throughout most of the state."
So, in 1965 the DCNR knew laws without public support were practically useless. Would GC fall under this??
What book have you got? That sounds like one I would like to read. Is there anything in there that talks about the need for the dcnr to work in partnership with landowners? That used to be mentioned often in dcnr material. I haven't heard it mentioned at all in probably 20 years.
All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.