Originally Posted by abolt300
Originally Posted by CNC
How did we grow a herd so large in the past that the state felt like we all needed to start a wholesale slaughter of does in order to get in back under control? How did we do that with without GC and the threat of life in prison to reign in all of the “outlaws” of this state?

Because for 50 years Kelly and crew did not allow any doe deer to be harvested period. None. Next question?

I know this is hyperbole, but I remember legally shooting does in 1977. There might have been a season before that, but I'm sure there was one that year. We didn't have any deer at all in the area prior to about 1962, so the does had full protection for about 15 years. Those dates will vary some in other areas.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.