Youngest son won a free hunt there back 5 or 6 years ago, in a drawing or fundraiser auction or something like that, I cant remember which. Nice rustic lodge, good food and good people. The land and deer are what I would consider average at best but I've also got good very places to hunt. Saw deer one day, saw nothing on the second. Nice to meet new people and see new places but not a hunt that I would pay to go on. When we pulled out, son asked me if we could detour over to our place to hunt that afternoon before heading home. Said he wanted to see some bucks and have a chance at a big one if that tells you anything. I had heard the same thing as halfrack, that they dont have near the land they used to, and it is a fraction of the size it used to be. Back in the day, it had a good reputation and a bunch of good land tied up and used for the operation. Dang sure wouldn't turn down a free hunt with good people. Go have fun. It beats working.

Last edited by abolt300; 01/14/19 01:54 PM.