topcatt, you know way more about your area than I do but assuming there are few does based on number of gun shots heard in the afternoon is a little ridiculous. There may not be many does, but that should be determined by something a little more accurate than number of gun shots heard. Way too many variables there. Fewer hunters, more hunters being more selective and not shooting does they see, mild temperatures, a lot of browse, full moon, nocturnal movement, etc., etc. Personally I would create some bait stations and put out a camera right after the season or even during the summer to get a more accurate count of does but that's just me. We've had our share of bad weekends but when foodplots are eaten pretty good and there are tracks everywhere and you were getting pics of plenty of does then regardless of what I see I know the does are there.

All that being said, yes killing 70 does on 400 acres seems very excessive and pretty much impossible but not saying it can't be done. IF they killed 70 does, then I would bet there would be 70 more does from surrounding properties that would move in over the following year or two, cause if there are no deer then there would be a lot of food. you can't wipe out a deer herd hunting only 400 acres. My guess is one, they didn't kill half as many as they say but more importantly the deer have become 99% nocturnal. Now if you put out cameras over corn and didn't get any pics over a week or so you might have something to actually worry about but my guess is you would see plenty of deer eating corn at night.

As for the yotes. You could be right, I just gave my personal observation of 3 yotes and 5 deer all in the same field one morning. Definitely not enough info. to make a definite conclusion but still pretty good indication that deer, where I hunt, don't seem to be very concerned with yotes. We also have cows on our property and haven't had a calf killed in over 5 years. We have a ton of rabbits so maybe that's what the yotes don't appear to be killing our deer...don't know for sure but still kill them when I can.

Last edited by truedouble; 01/25/12 05:24 PM.