Originally Posted by Backporch
Originally Posted by Gobble4me757
Originally Posted by Backporch
Originally Posted by Gobble4me757
My grandfather and my dad are freemasons...I used to sit outside the meetings as a little kid and eat supper with them and all...They were all nice to me! I respect the freemasons a lot and all they do for St. Jude

How is good works an indicator of righteousness ...if that is what you are saying?.

Your bias and hatred towards a society that you don't even know about because everyone who is a member is sworn to secrecy. Your negative views are only based upon a very limited number of people's opinions who happen to be jerks that are freemasons. You are pretty much attacking every single comment that doesn't have a negative connotation towards the Freemasons. All I am saying is that my grandfather was a preacher and a good man, and my dad is strong in his walk with Christ and is a great father and man as well. Yes I am biased, but I don't think it's right to judge and organization or secrete society without knowing what they are about and do.

I have not displayed hatred towards masons, I am being inquisitive, I respected my FIL who was 23degree and in no way did I hate him. Anyone can be deceived by a covering.

Touche...yeah neither my grandfather, uncle, or dad have ever really talked about it at all...dad is a 32 degree or somethin, but that is really all I know about it. I just know one of the guys in the lodge let us fish at his place growing up, so that was a definite plus lol

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