I let my membership lapse a number of years ago due to family and work commitments.

I am a past Master of Mt. Signal Lodge #508 in Rock Run, AL, and a Scottish Rite Mason, 32nd Degree.

There is nothing in Masonry that conflicts with Christianity. Naturally, since the members are human, some are certain to be jerks, but most of the ones that I knew and still know, are good people. Many of the founding fathers were Masons.

I sought membership because of what the lodge meant to my grandfather. When I was made a 3rd Degree Mason, I was presented with his Masonic Bible. It is a standard King James Bible, with some extra pages that depict early Masonic art and relate the history of Masons in the world.

I read part of the Wikipedia article about Freemasons, and it appears to be accurate without giving all the details. Secrecy is one of the reasons that people misinterpret, but it is part of the oath taken when you become a member.