Originally Posted by GomerPyle
Originally Posted by CarbonClimber1
I like to purrr...feel like thats just dirty talk to a randy gobbler

purring has been the one thing I just cannot even remotely do on a mouth call....I can do a decent yelp, and I can sorta cluck, but just can't purr at all.

Well..me an my brother can..but my daddy couldnt...several of my buddys cant..an the ones that can aint real good at it. I can purr good with some calls an some i cant even make a turkey soundin racket. So i rekin some folks can and some cant but i feel like its got more to do with the call and just playin with it...but ..as the redkneck ninjy says " uhpraktus uhh makesuh purrrfecht" grin

"I dont quit.. And ill fight alone if i have to"