Originally Posted by PRB
The key is that it’s what players “think” they’re worth. Did it ever occur to them that maybe they’re getting less money because they’re now worth less money?

A guy who’s main forte is to throw it absolutely as hard as he can, every single pitch, isn’t known for longevity, even in a closer role. Kimbrel is on the backside of his career. He isn’t what he was five years ago and what he is paid will reflect that.
Sitting out a year sure wouldn’t help his stock. In fact, it would be borderline career suicide.

I like Kimbrel as a player. Honestly, I’d be happy to see him pull a Brian McCann and finish up his career in ATL. However, the threatening a tantrum for attention and not getting his way is childish, IMO.

Where has it been mentioned other than from you that he is throwing a "tantrum"? The only one i have seen throwing a tantrum about this is you. Why does it bother you so bad what anyone claims their worth as? I believe it is nothing but pure jealousy. You have the mindset that if you can't get paid that kind of money than nobody should.

I had much rather be tried by twelve than carried to my grave by six!!!!