Up and at 'em! Gonna head out for a few ours before church. Let's hope the wind is a little calmer than yesterday. Gonna be cold as crap. Good luck, everyone.
There are 3 certainties in an uncertain world:
1. All Politicians Are Liars 2. All Gun Laws Are an Infringement 3. Taxation Is Theft
On the porch of the camp eating breakfast. Still cloudy here but at least the wind ain’t blowing like yesterday. Good luck to all and to those of us skipping church, say a little prayer this morning and thank God for all we have!!!!!
Sitting here at the listening spot been here about 10minutes. About 200 yards from truck. Nfhunter is about a mile northwest of me. Hes at a new spot. For him.
if i hadnt taken up hunting i might have became a juvenile delinquent or worst taken up GOLF