Originally Posted by GomerPyle
Originally Posted by BrentM
Originally Posted by AU coonhunter
Originally Posted by GomerPyle

I didn't have any luck, but my best friend from home, who lives in NW MS, began his 3rd season yesterday, having never killed a bird. He killed his 1st ever yesterday morning. Went back with a buddy yesterday evening hoping to roost one, but they ended up doubling up. He killed his 3rd ever this afternoon. Dude is in the zone!

I am pretty sure Mississippi is 1 bird per day.

It’s ok if he’s never killed one before. Gotta give a man a little leeway when he’s trying to get caught up


Truth be told, when I posted that I kinda was thinking MS was on a tag system. But either way, you dont walk away from a hot craps table!

MS did go to a mandatory game check for turkeys this year, but it is like Alabama’s and does have any means of enforcement. If he is going to continue in his poaching ways he probably needs to remind his friends not to out him on internet turkey hunting forums.

"Any way you look at it, most of the problems facing baboons can be expressed in two words: other baboons" -
D.L. Cheney and R.M. Seyfarth