Weekend update. It's always such a bummer leaving on Sunday afternoon to go home, we are trying something new this weekend. We are just staying up here tonight and we're going to get up really early in the morning and commute all the way to Birmingham. Anyway on to the pics for this weekend update:

Now every weekend we are moving a truck load of furniture and cabin furnishings. Virtually everything that is going into the cabin is stuff that we either got on the cheap at garage sales or free from friends and relatives. These two vintage, numbered Italian wedding prints came from my Mom's antique shop after she passed away last year. So even though she didn't live to see it finished, a little bit of her is here...

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The weather is just getting wonderful up here. It always seems to be about 5 to 10 degrees cooler than it is at home. it makes for nice evenings with a little Wild Turkey on the back deck...

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The guys in the big Lowes truck cam down the dirt road on Saturday and brought a game changer. We picked this special order laundry center on sale for less than a grand out the door with my military discount and they delivered it for free to boot. This is a huge deal, because what it means is that we don't need to pack when we come up anymore. We just head up here anytime. There was even enough room for me to put her a little shelving in there. It took me a little bit on Saturday to run the rigid piping for the dryer vent, but it turned out to be pretty easy to run it under the floor and out through the bond beam.

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Sunday I finished trimming out the stairwell, which means that I am done with the interior trim. (I still have the flooring, handrail, stairs and base boards to do in both lofts.) Trim has taken a long time in this place because I have used locally sourced lumber and just about every piece has to be ripped to size in addition to being cut to length. Leaving the joists and rafters exposed has been a nice look, but it has also been a lot of extra work to trim around them all and seal them all up. But it's all been worth it. Again you can see our free light fixture that a friend at work donated to the cause and I got all crafty with some antler sheds. (I may add some more, because I found another box in my storage shed at home...)

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