Originally Posted by Fldoghunter
Everybody ragging on him about not looking that stuck. At least he had the decency not to bury it to the frame before he called for help. I live and work in the woods and have seen it many times. So many folks don't know when to quit. Makes getting them out a real pain in the ass. What should be a simple bump and tug with a strap, turns into a big job that risks you tearing up your truck and theirs.

And speed surely isn't always the answer. Just ask the guy I pulled out last summer with a hydro locked motor in probably less than knee deep water. If he would have eased through, his new to him jacked up jeep wouldn't have been making all those weird noises when he insisted on having me pull start him over and over till it bent god knows what deep in that engine. The whole time, he was cussing the starter for not turning over that locked up motor. Even put a second one on it with no change. Wouldn't listen to me telling him that his engine was full of water, just kept popping that clutch as I was towing him back to a better road. Ain't locked up no more, but it sure was smoking.

Did you read his second post? He said he was already FRAMED out 🤣🤣🤣

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