Originally Posted by ford150man
Originally Posted by mike35549
Have heard Several people I know that have kids say I the ADD meds really helps there kids in school, and is one of the main reasons they keep them on them. turned a C student into an A student. I am sure steroids could turn a lot of average athletes into above average athletes.

I used to say the same type stuff. Until you truly see a kid that NEEDS the meds, you don’t know what you’re talking about. No offense. My son would cry buckets every night because he just couldn’t focus long enough to finish a task that would take anyone else a couple minutes. Even he knew something wasn’t right.

Exactly. My son took a head injury in 8th grade. Went from straight A to almost failing in math by 9th grade. Teacher mentioned ADD during a meeting with us. I blew it off and was prepared to beat his azz to get him on track. Teacher insisted we should at least think about it. He'd blank out periodically during class and miss entire parts, then struggle.

Two weeks later his golf coach mentioned some things he'd see. He'd start out strong on the first few holes, then right in the middle it was like a zombie. Couldn't focus. Couldn't concentrate. Made bad decisions. Then like a light switch he'd be back for the last few holes. Coach just couldn't figure it out. The two together made me thing there was possibly something legit wrong. So we tested and he was put on small does Vyvanse and his grades immediately went up. His golf scores immediately went down. It was IMMEDIATE and sustained improvement. The difference was night and day.

My son is now off the medication and his daily functionality, while better than most, still suffers at times. If you didn't know what he was capable of with Vyvanse, you'd really not even notice. When he is on the Vyvanse it's amazing what he's capable of. He can remember any phone number given to him. His phone doesn't have contact names. Just numbers. He knows them all, literally hundreds and recognizes them when they pop up. He can also add/subtract/multiply and divide VERY large sums in his head much faster than most of us can do with a calculator. When he's struggling he's a little slower with these things and you notice it if you know him. If you don't know him you'd never know he was struggling.

Like most things in life, if you haven't lived it you really can't have an educated opinion on it. Those who are being critical, frankly are ignorant. Nothing wrong with being ignorant until you start arguing your position as fact, when it is opinion. They you just look stupid. Cursing and name calling won't win anyone to your point of view either.

Ya'll need to stop the bitching and rent a room. Angry sex will make you fell better and burn off some of that aggression.

Last edited by Fattyfireplug; 06/01/19 12:08 PM.

Character is not developed in moments of temptation and trial. That is when it is intended to be used.