Is it over diagnosed.. YES! Which is a dang shame for lazy Docs and Big Pharma. IT IS NOT A DISEASE. But ADHD is real. Anybody who doesnt understand that honestly isnt qualified to have an adult conversation.

The average population receive stimuli to the hypothalmus (going by memory?) thru a widescreen movie screen like window... so they literally have many different things that they are aware of. However, people with ADHD have a window which operates like polarized glasses. Only one thing shows up and catches their attention. This is all they can see (has advantages and disadvantages). ADHD is not a deficiency in attention or in ability to remember but moreso the consequences of only seeing one thing. So when somebody or circumstances (stimuli) makes the person with ADHD change their thought to another item the person with ADHD hasnt lost their keys, or forgot to close the refrigerator.. etc but rather the task is literally gone on their window they see because they are now only seeing what they were directed to think about. It is very much a physiological process.