Was the poster child of adhd as well. Parents kept me in sports and outside to help keep my restlessness at bay. Couldn’t sit still to save my life all the way thru college. After I graduated my energy level tanked. I have a physically demanding job and it 100% affected me and my business. I have been to 2 different doctors and had every blood panel ran that they had access to. There is nothing medically wrong with me. Not a thing. Both told me I was just chronically fatigued. When I say I did the bare minimum to get by for the last 3-4 years, that’s all I did. Several friends have the attention span of a gnat all go to the same dr at a place in Hoover called focus Md. I’ll be 100% honest, I didn’t care if he was a dr or janitor, just give me something to keep me awake ( like focalin ) or one of the newer add meds like vyvanse or mydayis (sp??). Made an appointment and met the dr. Went they several tests and talked to him for a hour. He initially put me on adderall by my insurance wouldn’t pay for anything until you tried/ failed on adderall. I couldn’t get anything done Bc I had to fix the 37 other things I noticed while doing task 1. And when that chit wore off about 3-4 o’clock u feel like a microwaved turd and was extremely irritable for an hour or 2 then it went away. Then I went in vyvanse. Still a adhd medicine but affected me 100% differently. Besides the energy (which was little to none on adderall) it motivates you. Makes you want to “accomplish “ things. Makes me very job or list oriented. 100% changed my life. As Crocker said, the Hunter/gatherer gene is typically the adhd group. They run on adrenaline. My “youth” overpowered the lack of rem sleep tiredness until I got to 21-22 ish. After that I could make it to 11-12 ish and then I crawled the rest of the day. Zero energy. Talking with a guy last night that had vyvanse affect him like adderall did me. I wouldn’t want my kid on adderall if it did to him what it did to me. I would 100% give him vyvanse if it did to him what it did to me. If I had been on this during the first 13 years of my business, I’d be in a much different place. Not a advocate of putting a kid/adult on a pill just to fix typical add/adhd symptoms, but there is a time and place when it starts severely affecting their life.

Give me bout 15 more minutes, I was dreamin about beavers..........
Si Robertson