Originally Posted by crenshawco
Originally Posted by Joe4majors
Originally Posted by crenshawco
Yep, it's a crutch. Unless something has changed in the last 20-25 years to cause this outbreak of ADD/ADHD, you'll have a hard time convincing me it's anything other than upbringing.

Mods, how about pinning this thread at the top so new members can go ahead and figure out which current members are idiots.

Sure, an ADHD thread pinned at the top makes a lot of sense on an Alabama Hunting forum. Sorry if I offended you, but my opinion is worth just as much as yours.

I've been around plenty of folks who have been "diagnosed" with ADD or ADHD. There is only one out of about a dozen who I think may actually have some sort of problem. I happened to live with him for a couple of years in college. He was pretty laid back most of the time, but when he had a test he'd pop his pill. He would do everything under the sun that could be done before he studied. One time he pulled our TV center off the wall, and took all the TV, DVD, X Box, Apple TV, ect cables and went to work parting and labeling them with zip ties. He probably spent 2 hours doing it. After that he went and studied for a little while. He did graduate college and is doing very well for himself now without any meds

Ding, ding, ding!!! We have a winner. Look what you JUST admitted to. You claim, after being around dozens of folks that claim to have it, it’s mostly just a matter of upbringing, yet the ONE person you think truly has it was a person you lived with. Being AROUND someone is a whole lot different than LIVING with someone. Again, I USED to say it was upbringing too, until I lived with kids that have been diagnosed. I have three kids. All boys. Oldest has zero problems. The other two are twins. One is mildly ADD. The third is off the charts. All three raised under the same roof with the same rules and same discipline. So, as mentioned above, if you, or your kids are NOT suffering with this, then no, your opinion is NOT worth as much because your experience is extremely limited. I’m willing to bet that just because your roommate had it, you didn’t spend countless hours researching it trying everything you could to help him without medication.

If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.-Mark Twain