Originally Posted by SouthernRoots
Originally Posted by Turkey_neck
Originally Posted by SouthernRoots
quick question.. do y'all inoculate your ICP before planting. with the rain looking more and more likely this week gunna trying T&M some ICP's in a few of our summer plots along wit some millet in other poorer fields. Got some lab lab that I may try next rain shower that worked well last June.

Lab lab has been iffy on my plots I’d stick with I/c peas and soybean.

Really? we planted about 2 acres in LabLab and black oil SF last season and had pretty good results. It didnt come up quite as thick as our ICP plots but I cant say I was displeased with it. That LabLab plot also seemed to get hit harder than another ICP plot just down the hill.

The peas we planted last year were in a mix from WMS and im family sure they were pre-inoculated. I got a 50 lb bag of just peas this year for one plot and was just curious as to whether or not everyone inoculated theirs or just let them ride.

Lab lab did great when I disced plots but throw and now not so much

Would walk over a naked woman to get to a gobblin turkey!