Originally Posted by perchjerker
The best rough water hull is a Big-O, designed on an offshore hull for Lake Okeechobee. They are expensive too and you never see them on the Pro Trail. Allisons have never been anything but a speed boat. never a serious bassboat.

Grant Goldbeck used one in 2014 on the Bassmaster Elite series as a test...here are his comments....

"Grant Goldbeck. "...The Bassmaster Elites are a different bird. Its expensive really expensive that’s why pros get team boat deals...its a necessity...when I drove the project boat (Allison Bassport Pro Elite) in the 2014 Elites. It was to test its fuel efficiency, its rough water ride as we experience in the Elites and to expose its fish-a-bility. That boat was amazing. Allison didn't sponsor me it was a partnership by several of us. We ran that hull with only a Yamaha SHO 225...lol Elite pros are running 250's for a reason (speed) Yep they can stay up with the next guy. Most of the field was running 67 to 73 mph loaded two guys’ true speeds. Yes a few are running faster. But the truth of it is with a 4-stroke stock 225. We ran over 80 and were clearly the fastest Bassmaster Elite boat. And if we hit chop we out ran the field even more. I have fished /ran/ teamed out many boats. I have fished Basscat (great boat, great family); I have fished Skeeter FXs (great boat good company). The Allison Bassport isn't for guys really wanting to go fast lol...they have much faster boats. This boat was to take competitive challenges pro anglers experience and make their lives easier like 10,000.00 in fuel costs. Now cut those costs in 1/2. I would say 5,000.00 are a huge savings per month (A four hundred dollar monthly payback? Someone check my math lol). Can you imagine a boat company giving you back each month 4 or 500.00. Fishability in the Bassport shocked me honestly, it stable (great for fishing heavy cover pitchn flipping) and when you hit the trolling more you were in and out twice as fast other boats. Burn down the bank in the Bassport was almost funny. I would pass guys ON THE TROLLING MOTOR covering water. There were several very well known pros (I wont mention names for many reasons) that asked me in person if Allison had a factory deal. I could have put 10 Elites in a Bassport the first month. I know Allison sells their boats and doesn't give away the farm or have a ton of profit. I know for a fact their boats are built better. The project is done. I decided to buy a Bassport with my own $$$. That should say enough. I own a Allison Boats because of what I experienced in one season on the Elites in an Allison Bassport." - Grant Goldbeck"

But hey...perchjerker knows it all....

"You think I care? Roll Damn Tide"

Have you tried Google?