Originally Posted by Irishguy
Originally Posted by General
Hell Atlanta's been dumping sewage into the 'Hooch for years.

Yep... I was talking to one of our guys at one of the power plants over there and when they dump sewage in the Chattahoochee River he said it stinks so bad at the plant that you can't hardly go outside. He said they have been doing it for years. He said they just pay the fines, because it cheaper for them to do that than treat the sewage.

"Wait a minute!" you say "I thought liberals were all about saving the planet?" So much for Atlanta's liberal government "doing the right thing."

I guess it's good fertilizer for all the farmers who irrigate out of it.

"I'd rather go down the river with seven studs than with a hundred ****heads"
- Colonel Charlie Beckwith
Founder Delta Force