Originally Posted by CatHeadBiscuit
Just watched a program on opioid addiction, it stated 80% of herion addicts started out on prescription opioids.

Heroin dealers get jail time big pharma sales reps that make their goals get bonuses and go to the annual presidents club convention. It’s about the evil man inflicts upon his brother for money. Get people hooked on this chit then wreck their lives until they no longer can get a script from a Dr. Then arrest them for self medicating with street drugs. That is if they don’t die before the Doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies get every available dime out of them or their insurance company. OxyContin Vicodin etc should be banned and the prescribing physicians along with the pharma co’s fined into nonexistence. It’s a flipping manufactured plague.

Your first statement is what got my son started...........phuckin army doctor(s). I say plural cause you hardly ever see the same doc wannabe.

Nathan Carl Goff 19 Sept 2016 - 14 Jan 2017.