Originally Posted by jrs89
Originally Posted by R_H_Clark
I was on 4 Norco 10's a day for years. Took 4 shots in my knees and back every 3 months too. I was also on 3 blood pressure meds.

A year ago this August,I quit the pain pills, and sugar,and all grains,and potatoes. I thought I would die for a long time. I threw up 3 times a day for the first month and it started getting better after that. there were times I didn't think I could walk from the house to the truck,I felt so bad but I kept pushing and puking till I started feeling better.

In a year I am now 145 lbs lighter. I eat what's called a nutritarian diet. I eat the healthiest freshest foods I can always. I fast 16-20 hours of every day and I exercise by ridding a bike or doing calisthenics several times a week. I just got back from a 10 mile night ride on dirt roads and across grassy hills.

I do not take any medication at all now and my blood pressure is better than when I was 20. I feel better than when I was 20. The body is designed to heal itself if you give it the proper nutrition and exercise. I was told I had to have knee replacements and could barely walk before. I can run now and have more stamina than I ever have in my life. The bike had completely healed my back and I only get a little sore in my knees after a longer ride,but overall they are 99% better.

The industry isn't geared to heal,just to satisfy the lazy American public that don't care that they are killing themselves with every burger ,bite of fries or drink of Coke.

145lbs overweight was your problem. Glad you’re feeling better!

I thought so ,but overweight was just another symptom. I could have lost the weight in a different way and not be healed and healthy now. In fact it was knee pain and back pain that started the decline into weight gain years ago.