Originally Posted by jawbone
Originally Posted by GKelly
Originally Posted by mike35549
The drug makers, doctors, and pharmacist that are responsible for the opioid epedemic that has helped destroy a large percentage of an entire generation should be in prison. They are no different than the drug cartels and drug dealers that are selling heroin and meth

The drug addict that is dumb enough to put that crap in their body is just a completely innocent victim right? personally id prefer that they get a prescription from a doctor filled at a pharmacy than buying it off the street and lining the pockets of the cartels. Opioid epidemic is a made up crisis I guarantee you more people are overdosing on illegal fentanyl or heroin than legitamate prescriptions.

What do you think creates the people that are hooked on heroin? When an opioid addict can no longer get the high legally, they turn to illegal drugs, i.e. heroin. The Chinese and Mexican suppliers slip Fentanyl in our heroin to increase the addiction, but pain pills are the gateway drug to the illegal stuff.

what we have is an idiot problem anyone that is dumb enough to stick a needle in their veins for the sake of getting high is wasting perfectly good air the rest of us could breath. i know ill catch all the "addiction is a disease" crap but you can save it for someone else. addiction is a choice, cancer is a disease. there are hospitals full of kids dying of leukemia so don't deprive them the sympathy that they deserve by lumping in a bunch of junkies in that category why should I have sympathy for someone that chooses to inject a poison into their otherwise healthy body that one of those sick kids can only pray to have? I'll save my sympathy for someone that deserves it. but to get back on subject who cares either way if they dont get it from a doctor theyll get it from a drug dealer and thats whats killing people because they have no idea the potency from one fix to the next on the street.