Originally Posted by goodman_hunter
Originally Posted by jawbone
I simply said that the Opioid epidemic causes addiction to pain pills and when those pills are no longer available many people look for illegal ways to get high. Heroin is the most readily available.

thats what they say but i dont know how much of that i believe. Probably 99% of the people on this board or people you know in real life have been prescribed pain pills at some point in there life, I would imagine the ones that moved on to a heroin needle is very small like 1% if even that many. I think the herion junkies were just addicts and sought out dr's to fulfill there needs. Really all they're doing is pushing herion because there's more money in it for them(Goverment)

The DEA, AMA and other involved agencies disagree with your numbers. No where did I say that all people on pain pills will become heroin addicts, but it doesn't take many of the vast number of people that get addicted to pain pills to move on to make heroin a major problem. Remember, after its Heydays in the 60's it had largely been replaced by Cocaine as the drug of choice until Pain meds became all the rage in the last decade or so. Now Cocaine has been replaced by heroin and meth. Unless you work in the field, you have no concept how many addicts we have running around today. Many are fully functional and only look "off" when they are not high.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.