Originally Posted by TexasNative
That article stops in 2012. In the 7 sevens years since, the Fed's have cracked down on the Pharma companies that distribute opiods and the doctors that prescribe them. I injured my back two years ago. My MD gave me a prescription for 7 hydrocodon and said if I needed anymore to make an appointment with the pain management practice. My wife has had 6 neck surgeries and it took surgery #4 before she went no longer than a week on a prescribed opiod. Her neck broke after #4 which resulted in emergency surgery #5 and #6. The nerves couldn't handle all that trauma surgery in three weeks time. Yes, she is now on full time pain meds. You should see the hoops she has to go through to get a 28 day supply of pain killers from the pain management clinic.

This is an excellent point....it also points toward the folks that became addicted to prescription meds going to the black market or other drugs (meth/heroin/etc) to get the fix. I cant comprehend what causes a person to throw their entire life away by using drugs but I have seen some successful and intelligent people do that very thing. Just because I don't understand their thought process doesn't mean their struggle isn't real and I know they made the choice and should have to live with the consequences.