I usually soaked to the bone by the time the sun comes up from working in the garden. I then come inside and and cook off and dry a little. I then grab a cup of coffee and back out the door and head to the field to get equipment ready to harvest rice. Takes about 5 mins and soaked again. Usually have everything ready to go by 1000hrs and then back to the house. Take a shower,fix the cooler and water jug, grab a small bite to eat and pack my shirt pocket with my cheese/peanut butter crackers and back to the field and we start cutting 1100-1130hrs. I get I’m my nice cool tractor, say a little prayer for a good day of harvest and turn on some good tunes and do my damndest to make sure the combine never stops and waits to unload.

It's hard to kiss the lips at night that chews your a$$ all day long.