Originally Posted by Cuz-Pat
The one that I mentioned was in Memphis, Tennessee and I was 100 miles North of Memphis today. I stopped and looked it over well on my way back home. It was a New Jersey vehicle with a lot of rust underneath and the 4WD would not engage. Guy told me the issue with the 4WD was it had a bad transfer case actuator. Part from Toyota is $1500.00 and an aftermarket from local parts house was $1100.00. Still no guarantee that would fix it. Otherwise, it was a sharp vehicle but I passed on it.

I've got to have a working 4WD vehicle.

Hard pass on any vehicle that even spent one winter up north or in the midwest. You can find a good gen 3 or sometimes a 4 under 6k but a gen 4 at that price is rare. If it were mostly a hunting vehicle I like the gen 3 better, anyway. The 3.4 was a great engine and I like the way they look better than the gen 4.

" I do view Jim Waltz as a really good Presidential candidate"