Originally Posted by Irishguy
An update on the propane situation at the cabin...

As you know I decided, much to the laughter of some folks, to attempt to run our full size gas range on 20# propane tanks, using a RV style switchable manifold. Well this arrangement has worked out very well. We have been up at the cabin cooking almost 3 days a week on average including Mrs. Irish making extra soups, stews and meals to package and can for her Mom to eat during the week and for us to have extra for lunches. So a lot of cooking going on at the cabin. We installed the stove and the gas in late March and just a couple of weeks ago finally used our 1st bottle of propane and had to switch over to a new one. That was a lot of cooking for $14.92 a refill at the Walmart in Ft. Payne.

I took that empty bottle and 2 other spares I had at the house and had those refilled, so now I always have full extra bottles.

There’s a ton of “experts” on here who don’t mind providing their critical opinions... funny how real life results differ from our resident experts opinions. Glad the propane decision worked out well for y’all! thumbup

And keep posting your updates - I’ve really enjoyed reading them.

Last edited by Claims Rep.; 09/06/19 11:22 AM. Reason: Kan’t spelll

Jesus... I hope you know Him personally like I do.

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Proud crossbow hunter!