I know a guy who dropped his gun out of one and then he was screwed.
I'd submit that if you drop your weapon at any time, you're screwed. In a tree or not. I'll never hunt without an unproven weapon.
Anyways, if someone is on the fence about a saddle, hit me up. I'm in Birmingham and I'll show you my setup.
I may take you up on that. I probably can't afford one this season but I really like the idea of being that light and mobile, but no way I can pull the trigger without seeing it.
They look uncomfortable as all get out. How do you relieve yourself out of it. Is it a pain to haul those ladder sections in or strap on steps. Looks like a major pia compared to a climber.
They look uncomfortable as all get out. How do you relieve yourself out of it. Is it a pain to haul those ladder sections in or strap on steps. Looks like a major pia compared to a climber.
Not much is as comfortable as a summit climber. But after getting a saddle I sold my summit. No the saddle isn’t as comfortable. It is more comfortable than my lone wolf hang on though. Carrying my sticks or steps is lighter, smaller making it easier to carry than my summit stand.
I bought a kestral, podium and lone wolf steps end of season last year. I have spent a little time in it a few times. Shot my bow some out of it. Im really looking forward to really hunting out of it. Honestly I still have some dobts and I bet the first daylight set up will be a bit of a cluster but I hope after I get my system dialed in I will love it. Its a good bit more stuff to fool with than wrapping 2 cables around a tree. About same as a lock-on thou. We will find out real soon.
Just got my saddle in today. Went right in the edge of the woods beside the house and sat for about an hour and a half before my wife got home. I had a doe come in to about 40 yards before my dog who laid at the bottom of the tree the whole time spooked her off. For the short time i was in the saddle it was pretty comfortable. I am completely sold on it now. It is so much more versatile than a climber and i have shot opportunities with a bow or gun all the way around the tree. Not half assed shots either, you can get rock solid all the way around the tree.
I’m on the fence. I like the idea of the saddle but ~$500 for a complete mantis setup if you get the platform. I have a rock climbing harness, lineman’s rope, tree strap/teather and I bought a few steps from a guy I hunt with. I’ve played around with it some but haven’t tried hunting out of it yet. I’m not sold on the steps so I may try to play around with them and my climbing sticks, I think something like beast sticks, or hawk helium’s would work better than Lone wolf sticks.
I’m on the fence. I like the idea of the saddle but ~$500 for a complete mantis setup if you get the platform. I have a rock climbing harness, lineman’s rope, tree strap/teather and I bought a few steps from a guy I hunt with. I’ve played around with it some but haven’t tried hunting out of it yet. I’m not sold on the steps so I may try to play around with them and my climbing sticks, I think something like beast sticks, or hawk helium’s would work better than Lone wolf sticks.
I’ve got the wild edge stepps and use a knaider and swaider and it’s a really cool setup. I can get to somewhere around 20 ft with 4 steps.
Big nick im sorry man but I like to sit on my ass and stand straight up to bust one..... I aint no cortorsionist....sp... Good luck with it yall I don't feel like it would fit me and my 5 gallon bucket full....
Last edited by DeerNutz0U812_; 10/03/1906:22 PM.
Did you know that Beer Nutz are over a Dollar...and Deer Nutz are under a Buck...
Big nick im sorry man but I like to sit on my ass and stand straight up to bust one..... I aint no cortorsionist....sp... Good luck with it yall I don't feel like it would fit me and my 5 gallon bucket full....
I’m on the fence. I like the idea of the saddle but ~$500 for a complete mantis setup if you get the platform. I have a rock climbing harness, lineman’s rope, tree strap/teather and I bought a few steps from a guy I hunt with. I’ve played around with it some but haven’t tried hunting out of it yet. I’m not sold on the steps so I may try to play around with them and my climbing sticks, I think something like beast sticks, or hawk helium’s would work better than Lone wolf sticks.
I’ve got the wild edge stepps and use a knaider and swaider and it’s a really cool setup. I can get to somewhere around 20 ft with 4 steps.
Right on! Thanks for posting the video, I’ve heard of the naider/swaider but never actually saw them used. I would definitely need to try those out before attempting to actually use them
Has anyone used a regular climbing harness for hunting? They can be bought for much cheaper than the ones made for hunting.
There are a lot of guys that do and they pair them with something called a sit drag. Look up sit drag and rock climbing harness on YouTube. Some videos should pop up