Originally Posted by daniel white
Originally Posted by bill
Originally Posted by 257wbymag
What did I miss here?

A members kid is having a real tough time which is causing the member a lot of stress, it seems, and he asked for prayer and used an unfortunate phrase that was taken personally by some. So the member recieved some prayers but caught a bunch of hell for it, too. I figured he's probably going through enough with his kids problems so I just kind of ignored the "true Christians" part.

He purposely put it in there, it was made loud and clear that he didn’t want less than perfect folks asking prayer for his son. But less than perfect folks sent one right on up for him and I’m sure they all was received. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🇺🇸🇺🇸

Its alright DW, I really don’t think he meant anything by it, just worded wrong is all. We all get flustered and say things somewhat crude when we are stressed, even with the best intentions. I’ll pray for all of ya, and I hope y’all do the same. Lord knows I need every mouth and every heart casting prayer for me daily.