Originally Posted by jwalker77
Christians are not the only people judging or sinning, theyre just the ones getting called out about it. Everybody does it no matter how hard we try not to. Were just humans. Usually we will compare our best day to that other fellows worst day and beat our chests because we are so much better. Problem is im not the measuring stick, neither are you, Jesus is the measuring stick or "plumbline" and we will all be judged against and by him. Were all a bunch of turds compared to Jesus. None of us have much room to brag, "no not one".

I've had to alter my perspective on how I feel or what my conscience is on certain matters. It's all about what the Bible says on the matter at hand.

"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
-G. K. Chesterton