40 lbs of corn applied today by hand with a bag spreader. I didn't get it spread out evenly across the whole two acres but that's ok...this was just to get the process started. I probably covered an acre or better just cranking on the spreader and slinging it out as far as I could. I think after the rain I'm gonna load the tractor hopper down and probably go with 100 lbs/ac of cereal rye.....a couple pounds of turnips per acre.....100 lbs of 34-0-0 per acre......and maybe 150 lbs of corn per acre.....I think that's probably overkill on the corn but I'm overkilling it on purpose this first go around to help insure I achieve the effects I'm wanting. I'll back off with future plantings according to what I see happen this year. I'm guessing 50 lbs/ac would probably suffice. I'm gonna go ahead and buy a couple more bags of seed and come back in a few weeks with another 50 lbs of rye layered over the top. We'll adjust seeding rates accordingly in the future as well.

Last edited by CNC; 10/13/19 06:46 PM.

We dont rent pigs