Originally Posted by AU338MAG
It's the union people who put GM in this position. They will go after Ford and Chrysler at some point also.

Auto workers unions ceased to be helpful to the workers decades ago. Only thing they have accomplished is to drive jobs across the border in that time.

Originally Posted by daylate
After being told basically to F off by Chevrolet customer service when my brand new truck's transmission started making awful noises 3 days after I bought it, I have bought my last GM product. They told me it was normal for the design and to get a lawyer and sue them because they weren't going to fix it and I just had to live with it. That was in 2000.

Oh, but if you listen to the Union they will tell you that they build a superior product.

"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
-G. K. Chesterton