Thanks y'all! We do give it our all to put a smile on your belly, every deer, every bite! We had a night drop years ago, but it proved to be unsanitary and you just cant trust folks these days! I wouldn't want unsupervised public access to my food! A lot of people that hunt farther from here but bring their deer here (Troy, Dothan, Columbus, Clanton, Hurtsboro, Demopolis) will plan the trip on a cold weekend. They'll kill, gut, ice and kill again then drive up Sunday night or Monday morning... We have had 10-12 deer come in on one truck from 6-8 different people. *Just make sure to have notes with license numbers from the owner of each deer in case you get stopped.* Also, some folks will quarter it up and keep it in an ice chest while they hunt a couple more days. We accept deboned meat from other processors; If you take a deer to your local processor to get ground and cubed, ask them to just package you 10-15 pounds of trim in gallon ziplocs and we can make our products from it, even if it has been frozen! We accept shipped in meats, and we can ship meat anywhere in the country! If you hunt out West, just ship it to us, we will holler when it is ready! Want to send Summer sausage and Boudin to Cousin Fred in California...we can handle that! We have a pretty cool Facebook page with lots of pictures, and Instagram, too! If anyone has any questions, feel free to message or call me! Shop 334-439-5080, cell 334-202-9545. Happy Huntings! --Shana Howard

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. --John 15:5