Originally Posted by JUGHEAD
Originally Posted by Hevishot13
Originally Posted by JUGHEAD
Originally Posted by Fishduck
BW= blue wing teal
I'm really curious if this is the correct answer??? I'm gonna guess no, but I'm a rookie! Congrats regardless! Sounds like a blast!!!

Yes gotta be. I’ve killed em here in the first part of the regular season. Never a fully plumed though. Gotta wait till March and April for that 😁
Noice!!!! I thought, from the sounds of things from experienced hunters, that those jokers couldn't live below about 60 degrees. grin

Looks like the 3 are actually hen gadwalls and not blue wings at all! Either way nice hunt!

Solo, what are the rules in Nebraska? can you hunt private land as long as its not "posted" or are you on public land? and are you solo or hunting with someone? didn't know since it looks like someone took the pic of you and the dog with the birds!