Originally Posted by JD_Bowhunter1976
I’m back in same spot as this morning, but I moved on the down wind side of were the deer was walking this morning. If they will do the same thing they did this morning I will have a 10 yard shot. I Went all the way to the truck after crossing the creek in the boat just for two bologna sandwiches and a nutter butter. Well before I could hit post reply, I busted a pretty big 8 point. Damn this is awesome. I got to sit tight, because I got a buddy hunting with me. Looked like a good shot, but it straight down, so no pass through. He was burning the woods up with his tail tucked and belly to the ground. It’s going to be a hell of a drag if we find him, because he went straight over the ridge and straight away from the boat. Hot damn I’m excited and got to sit tight for 4 more hours.

Toting it out in a backpack will be alot easier.

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