I’m not really growing dog fennel “around” my plots anymore…….I’m more carving a design in it and the other summer vegetation now. One of the reasons I accept it so easily is that I watched the change in deer activity over the last couple years as I left some of the field grown up instead of bushhoggin and planting it all. I used to have all my orchards as well as this whole field mowed and sowed during the winter….One year I even went from 3 acres to 8 acres of planted grains thinking that would mean more deer. It didn’t though and I had a lot of wasted space that year. After I let it grow up the deer activity sky rocketed on my property. The deer just didn’t just live on the neighbors and come to my field to eat anymore…..they “lived” on my property now…….The messy plot is in the very back… That’s the crimson clover in the front.....and understory cover everywhere in between.

Yep, it's thickkkkk…..

![[Linked Image]](https://i.imgur.com/EuyBYD2.jpg)