So let’s start slightly opening up that spiritual can of worms now. I have a feeling any little crack in the lid will rip it right off though.

Most all folks here on this site are likely Christians who believe in a higher power that created the world we live in. We also believe it to be an immaculate design. The Japanese farmer in the book is Buddhist I believe. The finer details of that religion are not important. The only thing we really are concerned about is that he too believes in a higher power that created and designed nature.
The whole idea behind natural farming….. and even the no-till movement in general….is to farm or foodplot in a manner that’s consistent with the way God designed soil to function. You’re working with nature and not against it. Most of the traditional methods are in total opposition to how the natural soil cycle is supposed to function. Do you believe that God’s design is flawed and that we humans know a better way? Do you believe the plants God put here to preform those functions are flawed and inferior? That’s not to say that we can’t tweak things within that design to fit our needs. However, with traditional means of agriculture we’re completely reinventing the wheel.
Do you believe God created a perfect design when he created nature?