Thanks so much guys! This deer was as consistent on camera as any deer I’ve ever hunted. He showed up literally every morning and afternoon last week prior to the youth hunt. As Matt said, we hunted him both Friday morning and afternoon and he didn’t show. We had a big doe hunt Saturday at the club for all the kids and I didn’t want to mess him up by letting the boys shoot a doe back where he was, so we elected to hunt a greenfield. My youngest son killed a doe that afternoon, and of course, this buck was on camera at 4:40 that afternoon while we were hunting elsewhere. My oldest son (pictured) and I went back in yesterday evening and once again, didn’t have any luck. I honestly didn’t even know that youth season ran through today until late last night. When I realized that, I got the green light from mom that I could check him out again and give it one final push before rifle season opens Saturday.

All was quiet today until about 4:20. A group of 5 does came down the ridge to our left and as they were slipping down, I spotted another deer to our right. I glassed him and saw he was a nice 7 point, the running partner of the buck pictured. I finally caught movement and spotted the right beam of the shooter. He literally stood in the same spot for 15 minutes and provided us no shot. I believe he had just stood up out of his bed and if deer chew cud, that’s what he was doing. If they don’t chew cud, I don’t know what he was doing. laugh He wasn’t feeding on browse or anything at all but was definitely chewing on something. Finally at about 4:45 he decides to start moving from right to left. He makes it through 3 separate shooting lanes without stopping before he finally stops at 70 yards. Grayson put the shot right behind the shoulder, and although I didn’t see him fall, we both felt good about it. I eased down to check for blood and saw him laying about 50 yards from where he shot him. I called Grayson down from the stand and we had a great celebration for a few minutes.

I’m so thankful for this deer and the chance to spend time with my boys in the woods and the memories we’re able to make each time we go!

Originally Posted by CNC
Ya'll are just overthinking it now