Originally Posted by Semo
I know a 1st grade teacher that makes $80k and a 6th year 5th grade teacher that makes $68k. Also know teachers that have taught for 15+ years that are still in the low $40k range.

Just matters what district your in.

I don’t know of any teachers in this state, at least this area that make 80k a year..or 68k for that matter, teaching 1st or 6th grade. Be hard to complain about that for this area.

It probably matters as to what state you live in or part of the country more than just a district. I would venture to guess those 80k a year teachers are in areas where it’s almost impossible to afford to live. Teachers in NYC May make 6 figures, but it takes every penny to scrape by..you now what I mean.

The fool tells me his reasons; the wise man persuades me with my own.